Victoria Offers $31 Million in Funding for Large Energy Users to Implement Energy Efficiency | Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund (BREEF)

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The Victorian Government recently announced $31 million worth of grants to help businesses recover, through its Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund (BREEF) program.



Organisations who wish to apply for the Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Grant must meet the following criteria:

  • Operate in Victoria
  • Hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Have a site using over 40-megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity or over 1 terajoule (TJ) of gas per year, demonstrated by 12 months’ worth of energy bills or meter data, or evidence from their energy provider, representing pre-COVID-19 usage.

Applications closing soon

The government is calling businesses to draft their proposals before applications close on:

  • 31st of December 2020, 2 pm (Round 1)
  • 31st of January 2021, 2 pm (Round 2)

The $31 million Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund includes $24 million worth of Capital Works Grants covering the following measures:

  • Installation and purchase of vital equipment for energy efficiency.
  • Purchase of low-emission equipment to replace emission-intensive ones.
  • Upgrading of old monitoring and communications equipment, which may include energy management software and other metering equipment.

Included in the Victoria BREEF is another $7 million Energy Demand Management Grant which will help cover expenses related to the purchase of new equipment, energy management audits and implementation, advice from industry professionals and enabling timely demand response.

How to Apply

Details on how to apply for these grants are found in the FAQ sections below.

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Victoria Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund BREEF - Free Grant Assistance Package for Eligible Organisations


FAQ for Capital Works Grant – Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund (BREEF)

1. What is the purpose of the grant program?

The Program is aimed at supporting the Victorian economy to recover from the economic effects of COVID-19, as well as contributing to achieving Victoria’s emission reduction targets. The objectives of the Capital Works Grants are to:

  • increase energy productivity and reduce energy costs for Victorian industrial energy users
  • accelerate the uptake of innovative energy efficiency and demand management technologies in the Victorian industrial and commercial sectors and participation in demand-side opportunities
  • create jobs through the implementation of equipment, systems and process upgrades that manage energy costs, supporting new sustainable employment.

2. Who can apply for funding?

In addition to meeting the program objectives, eligible organisations must:

  • operate in Victoria
  • hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)

have a site using over 40-megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity or over 1 terajoule (TJ) of gas per year, demonstrated by 12 months’ worth of energy bills or meter data, or evidence from their energy provider, representing pre-COVID-19 usage

3.  What type of projects will be considered for funding?

The Capital Works Grant will fund the implementation of energy-saving projects that:

  • are located in Victoria
  • contribute only to the organisation’s business activities
  • will be commenced immediately after contract execution
  • utilise proven technologies that are commercially ready
  • include one or more of the following:
    • purchase and installation of energy efficiency equipment
    • replacement of emissions-intensive equipment with low-emissions alternatives
    • purchase of communications and monitoring technology.

4. What type of projects will not be considered for funding?

The Capital Works Grant will not fund:

  • projects that have already commenced construction*
  • land acquisition
  • recurrent operating costs

*For projects that have multiple phases or are an expansion of an existing project, please contact the Program team at before applying.

5. When will applications be assessed?

Applications will be assessed for eligibility and evaluated against the assessment criteria as they are received.

6. When will the funding be available?

Funding will be available to the successful applicant, subject to the terms of the Funding Agreement. Funding agreements will be executed as projects are identified for funding as outlined in item 5 above.

7. How much funding is available for individual projects?

A total of $24 million will be made available through the Capital Works Grant, which will fund multiple projects. Therefore, projects under $2 million will be considered favourably.

8. Is there a co-funding requirement?

Applications that will be co-funding/making a co-contribution to the project will be considered favourably.

9.  Can my organisation apply for both the Capital Works and Energy Demand Management grants?

Yes. Organisations can apply for both grants. However, the same works must not be proposed in both applications.

10.  How can applicants apply?

Applications for eligible projects must be made via the online grant management portal. Applications must be received by the Department no later than 2 pm, Thursday 31 December 2020 for Phase 1 and 2 pm Sunday 31 January 2021 for Phase 2. The link to the online portal can be found here

Organisations are encouraged to take advantage of Ecosave’s complementary grant application assistance package, which includes a team of experts who manage the entire application process on your behalf as well as propose and implement energy efficiency projects in accordance with BREEF guidelines.

Click here to claim your free grant application assistance package.

11. Will there be an opportunity to ask you questions about the grants before applications closing?

Yes. Applicants can submit questions to no later than Thursday 24 December 2020 for Phase 1 and Monday 25 January 2021 for Phase 2

Any information provided by the department in response to any question raised by a potential applicant may be uploaded onto the “Frequently Asked Questions” webpage.

12. When will applicants be notified?

Applications will be assessed as they are received, and applicants notified of funding soon after the assessment has been completed.

Applicants with projects ready to commence are encouraged to apply during Phase 1.

13.  How soon do projects need to commence?

Successful applicants must commence works immediately after contract execution.



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FAQ for Energy Demand Management Grant – Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund (BREEF)

1. What is the purpose of the Business Recovery Energy Efficiency grant program?

The Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund is aimed at supporting the Victorian economy to recover from the economic effects of COVID-19, as well as contributing to achieving Victoria’s emission reduction targets. The objectives of the Energy Demand Management Grant are to:

  • increase energy productivity and reduce energy costs for Victoria’s large energy users
  • accelerate the uptake of innovative energy efficiency and demand management technologies in the Victorian industrial and commercial sectors and participation in demand-side opportunities
  • create jobs through the implementation of equipment, systems and process upgrades that manage energy costs, supporting new sustainable employment.

2. Who can apply for funding?

In addition to meeting the program objectives, eligible organisations must:

  • operate in Victoria
  • hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)

have a site using over 40-megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity or over 1 terajoule (TJ) of gas per year, demonstrated by 12 months’ worth of energy bills or meter data, or evidence from their energy provider, representing pre-COVID-19 usage.

3. What type of projects will be considered for funding?

The Energy Demand Management Grant will fund the implementation of energy-saving projects that:

  • are located in Victoria
  • contribute only to the organisation’s business activities
  • utilise proven technologies that are commercially ready
  • include one or more of the following:
    • capital investment in technology to enable demand response, such as:
      • implementation of communications technology to enable the provision of demand response services to market (energy and ancillary services markets, reserve trader and/or network support services)
      • implementation of SCADA was not available to enable participation in demand response markets
    • professional advice to support the uptake of demand response opportunities, such as:
      • feasibility studies and cost-benefit analysis of demand response opportunities
      • staff training and developing new processes
      • audits to identify demand response opportunities
      • assessment of the suitability of loads and/or onsite generation to provide demand response services, including technical characteristics such as accurate baseline determination, and maximum quantity and duration of flexible capacity that can be provided
    • for organisations that use above 100TJ of combined electricity or gas per year, support for the implementation of energy management systems, such as:
      • feasibility studies and energy audits relating to energy management systems
      • installation of meters or sub-metering equipment to monitor energy usage in the premises, as part of the implementation of an energy management system
      • enlisting professional service provider to establish (or improve an existing) energy management system (in part or whole), integrate it into broader management system/s or train personnel responsible for energy
      • implementing steps under/or formal accreditation to the ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems framework.

4. What type of projects will not be considered for funding?

The Energy Demand Management Grant will not fund:

  • projects that have already commenced construction*
  • land acquisition
  • recurrent operating costs.

For projects that have multiple phases or are an expansion of an existing project, please contact the Program team at before applying.

5. When will applications be assessed?

Applications will be assessed for eligibility and evaluated against the assessment criteria as they are received.

6. When will the funding be available?

Funding will be available to the successful applicant, subject to the terms of the Funding Agreement. Funding agreements will be executed as projects are identified for funding as outlined in item 5 above.

7. How much funding is available for individual projects?

A total of $7 million will be made available through the Energy Demand Management Grant, which will fund multiple projects. Therefore, projects under $500,000 will be considered favourably.

8. Is there a co-funding requirement?

Applications that will be co-funding/making a co-contribution to the project will be considered favourably.

9. Can my organisation apply for both the Energy Demand Management and Capital Works grants?

Yes. Organisations can apply for both grants. However, the same works must not be proposed in both applications.

10. How can applicants apply?

Applications for eligible projects must be made via the online grant management portal. Applications must be received by the Department no later than 2 pm, Thursday 31 December 2020 for Phase 1 and 2 pm Monday 1 February 2021 for Phase 2. The link to the online portal can be found here. 

Organisations are encouraged to take advantage of Ecosave’s complimentary grant application assistance package, which includes a team of experts who manage the entire application process on your behalf as well as propose and implement energy efficiency projects in accordance with BREEF guidelines.

Click here to claim your free grant application assistance package.

11. Will there be an opportunity to ask you questions about the grants before applications closing?

Yes. Applicants can submit questions to no later than Thursday 24 December 2020 for Phase 1 and Monday 25 January 2021 for Phase 2.

Any information provided by the department in response to any question raised by a potential applicant may be uploaded onto the “Frequently Asked Questions” webpage.

12. When will applicants be notified?

Applications will be assessed as they are received, and applicants notified of funding soon after the assessment has been completed.

Applicants with projects ready to commence are encouraged to apply during Phase 1 applications.

13. How soon do projects need to commence?

Successful applicants must commence works immediately after contract execution



Victoria Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund BREEF - Free Grant Assistance Package for Eligible Organisations


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