Spot Trade Market Update: Environmental Certificate Scheme Prices – STCs, LGCs, VEECs and ESCs (September 2020)

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  5. Spot Trade Market Update: Environmental Certificate Scheme Prices – STCs, LGCs, VEECs and ESCs (September 2020)
Spot Trade Certificate Pricing - STC LGC VEEC ESC - Bar September 2020

Small-scale Technology Certificate (STCs) price updates:

At the time of writing STCs are trading at $38.35, which is more or less unchanged from the previous month, up from $38.30.  STC pricing rose by 1.46% from the previous year (17 Sep-19), up by 55 cents from $37.80.

Large-scale Generation Certificate (LGCs) price updates:

The current LGC pricing – at $49.00 – is a sharp increase of 14.62% from the previous month. Since July-20, LGC prices have increased by $9, from around $40.00 to $49.00. While there has been a solid resurgence in LGC Pricing from the historically low $34.00 at the end of Feb-20, the current spot trade price is around the same level as the time last year ($49.85).

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) price updates:

VEEC pricing has increased dramatically over the last 12-months, up from $22.60 in Sep-19 to $34.00 as at 17 September 2020 – representing a 50.44% increase – indicating a signficant increase in the demand for VEECs.  At the time of writing, VEEC spot trade pricing is 0.74% up from the previous month.

Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs) price update:

At the time of writing, ESCs were up 4.45% from the previous month, rising from $25.85 to $27.00. Over the last 12 month period, ESCs peaked at $30.20 in April-20 and the lowest point was at the same time last year – at $22.10. There has been a year-on-year increase of 24.43%.

Spot Trade Certificate Pricing - STC LGC VEEC ESC - Bar September 2020 Spot Trade Certificate Pricing - STC LGC VEEC ESC Table September 2020

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