Spot Trade Market Update: Environmental Certificate Scheme Prices – STCs, LGCs, VEECs and ESCs (August 2020)

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  5. Spot Trade Market Update: Environmental Certificate Scheme Prices – STCs, LGCs, VEECs and ESCs (August 2020)

The environmental certificate scheme prices outlined below are snapshots of spot trade prices at particular points in time (mostly at month’s end for June through August 2020):

Small-scale Technology Certificate (STCs) price updates:

The latest pricing (as at 26 August 2020) for STCs are $38.30, which is more or less unchanged from the previous month, down from $38.40.  STC pricing rose by 3.23% from the previous year (Aug-19), up by $1.10 from $37.20.

Large-scale Generation Certificate (LGCs) price updates:

LGC pricing was approximately 6% down from the previous month from $40.30 in July compared to $42.75 in August. The LGC spot trade price in August 2019 ($46.75) was $4.00 higher (or 13.8%) compared to this year, August 2020. ($42.75).

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) price updates:

VEEC pricing has increased dramatically over the last 12-months, up from $22.40 in Aug-19 to $33.75 as at 26 Aug-2020 – representing a 60.27% increase.  VEEC spot trade pricing is approximately 6% from the previous month, July-20, falling from $35.90 to $33.75

Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs) price update:

Spot trade prices for ESCs are relatively stable and don’t fluctuate as much as other environmental certificate schemes, up by just $0.50 from the previous month, July-2020 – rising from $25.35 to $25.85 as at 26 August. There has been a year-on-year increase of 16.82% from $21.70 in Aug-19 to $25.85 in Aug-20.





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