Helping small businesses reduce their power bills

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FREE Grants Assistance Package for Businesses - Free Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Government Grants

Small businesses across Australia are getting support from the Morrison Government to cut energy costs, putting more money back in the pockets of business owners as we recover from COVID-19.

Through the Government’s Energy Efficient Communities Program, 336 small businesses have been awarded grants of up to $20,000 to lower their energy bills by upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment, carrying out energy audits or installing energy monitoring equipment.

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor said the Government was focused on bringing down the cost of energy for small businesses.

“Small businesses have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Government is focused on helping them through this difficult period, and beyond,” Minister Taylor said.

“Energy bills are a significant overhead for many small businesses. These grants will help small businesses all around Australia pay less on their energy bills, helping them keep their doors open, expand their business and employ more Australians.”

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business Michaelia Cash said helping small businesses lower their energy costs is critical for them to prosper, grow and create more jobs.

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local communities and the backbone of the Australian economy. Employing over 6 million Australians, our 3.5 million small businesses contribute over $418 billion to our national economy,” Minister Cash said.

As we recover from the impacts of COVID-19, small businesses will play a key role in the Government’s plan for a stronger economy.

“Lowering energy bills for our small businesses through the Energy Efficient Communities Program will help alleviate financial pressure and deliver the conditions they need to succeed.”

The Energy Efficient Communities Program was announced as part of the Government’s $3.5 billion Climate Solutions Package to deliver on Australia’s 2030 climate commitments.

The full list of successful applicants for the small business grants is available on

Ecosave helps a number of small businesses secure grant funding

To support small businesses lower their energy costs during the pandemic, Ecosave offered a complimentary grant application service for small businesses eligible for grants under the Energy Efficient Communities Program. Our team of energy efficiency grant experts has helped dozens of small business owners determine their eligibility and apply for the grant.

This involved consulting with each business owner and identifying suitable energy conservation measures for their business in line with grant eligibility criteria and proposing a detailed scope of works, installation costs and project plan. In addition to preparing all the required information and supporting documentation our team liaised directly with grant administrators on our clients’ behalf.

Robin Archibald – Group Managing Director, Ecosave said  “Ecosave is proud to have supported a number of businesses in submitting their application for this grant and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve successfully secured funding for more than 15 businesses across Australia”

“We have a strong track record of securing grant funding over the years, with more than $1.5 million of grant funding secured under various programs”

“This particular grant was heavily oversubscribed and it’s unfortunate not all businesses were able to get their application approved given that the funding program was limited to only three successful applicants per Federal Electorate”

“Our team of grants & rebates specialists and energy efficiency experts can provide practical support and end-to-end energy advisory and project implementation solutions for organisations eligible for various energy efficiency or renewable energy related grants and rebates.”




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