FAQ Solar Victoria Rebates Program

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Solar Victoria Rebates Program Overview

The Victorian Government is extending assistance to small business owners to help reduce the upfront costs of small-scale solar system installation. Approximately, 15,000 applicants are expected to apply for the solar rebate program.

What is the program’s goal?

The Solar Victoria Rebates Program’s goal is to support the economic recovery of small business owners with a 30kW, small scale solar PV system to reduce their overhead utility costs.

How will the Solar Victoria Rebate program be funded?

Up to 50% of the rooftop solar installations’ cost will be covered by the program, and the maximum rebate for eligible businesses is $3,500 (net cost inclusive of GST). Refer to the Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) for more information.

What are the eligibility criteria?

Below are Solar Victoria’s eligibility criteria:

  • Business owners who at least has one employee, owner exempted or has less than 20 employees.
  • Businesses operating under a trust, company, non-profit, or partnership.
  • Government organisations are not eligible for the rebate program.
  • The business site is non-residential, and it’s individually metered. *
  • The business has not been granted a rebate from Solar Victoria. **
  • The solar system installed is an approved solar retailer by Solar Victoria, which can be found on Solar Victoria’s website. ***
  • The solar system’s PV capacity must be up to 30kW, and as detailed on Solar Victoria’s approved list of products. ****
  • Charities, non-profit organisations and other types of entities are also eligible.

*Businesses, who either have their own premises or rent facilities, are qualified for the program. Properties that are owned by associated entities such as Self-Managed Super Funds, a Holding Company, and Family Trusts are also qualified.

**For business owners who rent their premises, please visit the Landlord and Tenant Guidelines and Consent form.

***Solar systems installed after the rebate was formally announced, late May, are considered as eligible. All systems installed prior to the said month aren’t eligible for the program.

****The 30kW requirement is based on the solar system’s panel size and not its inverter size.

What are the requirements?

The requirements are as follows:

  • An Australian Business Number or ABN
  • The business representative’s contact details
  • Installation quote from a Victoria-accredited solar retailer
  • WorkCover Employer Number (WEN) and Certified Rateable Remuneration. WEN is found on your WorkSafe Renewal Notice’s top right corner. The Certified Rateable Remuneration can be checked by logging into the WorkSafe Online Portal or by asking your WorkSafe Agent for details.

All entities can apply, except for government organisations, for the Victoria Government’s rebate program.

How will they know if they are qualified?

Three categories were identified by Solar Victoria as the basis for the rebate’s eligibility, and these are:

  • Owner/Occupier – the property is named after you and its address is named after your business.
  • Associated Entity – the property is controlled or owned by you but under a different name or your business’ name.
  • Renter – you don’t own the property and renting it from a different entity.

Renters and associated entities are required by the government to submit a copy of Solar Victoria’s Landlord and Tenant Guidelines and Consent Form.

Are landlords or rental providers eligible for the rebate program?

No, because only nominated representatives or business owners are eligible for the program’s rebate.

Can businesses with multiple properties apply for more than one rebate?

No, only one business is eligible for the rebate program, as per ABN.

Based on the program’s guidelines: how is the number of employees defined and counted?

Employee numbers are calculated via headcount, and these include both full-time and part-time workers. Business owners are not included in the headcount.

Are there limits to a business’ income to become eligible for the rebate program?

None and there are no set limits to a business’ income. They only need to meet the program’s minimum criteria.

Can they use their rebates to either replace or upgrade their existing solar systems?

A business that installed their solar systems prior to the 1st of November 2009, can use their rebates to either replace or upgrade their systems. However, those who are already receiving Premium Feed-in Tariff should consider if they should replace their existing system.

Business facilities with solar systems installed after 2009 aren’t eligible for the rebate program.

Are non-residential properties, utilised for business purposes, eligible?

The Australian Valuation Property Classification Code or AVPCC can determine if eligible premises meet the program’s criteria, amended by the Local Council’s Notes. For a list of eligible AVPCC, please click this link.

What does “operate from premises that are individually metered” mean?

It means that your business’ site must have its own National Meter Identifier or NMI, and it should be connected to the main grid.

Is a small farming business and residence, using the same meter, still eligible for the rebate program?

Yes, and if your property was provided with an AVPCC code, your farming business is eligible for the rebate program.

If my residence is receiving a rebate, is my business address still eligible for the Solar Victoria program?

Yes, if your residential and business address are different and operates from qualified premises.

Is a franchise operation’s employment cap based on the organisation or franchise?

Franchisees have separate ABN numbers from their franchisors. Under the Solar for Business Program, employee headcount is calculated per franchise, and not by its franchisor.


To find out more about this program or to discuss your grant application requirements, please contact us. To register your interest in future grant opportunities, register your details here


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