There are four main types of environmental certificate schemes: two established under a national scheme and two under state-based schemes.

  • Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) – national scheme
    STC’s are small-scale technology certificates that are generated by solar hot water and roof-top mounted or ground-mounted solar panels (< 100 kW).
  • Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) – national scheme
    LGCs are large-scale technology generated by large-scale projects like large-scale solar projects (>100kW) hydro-electric and Wind Farms.
  • Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) – state-based scheme
  • Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs – pronounced eskis) – state-based scheme

These environmental certificates are bought and sold on a daily basis on the Spot Trade Market, and the value or price of each certificate scheme fluctuates daily based on demand and supply factors. See below for the latest update as at 28 July 2020.

Spot Trade Market Update: Environmental Certificate Scheme Prices – STCs, LGCs, VEECs and ESCs (May – July 2020)

The environmental certificate scheme prices outlined below are snapshots of spot trade prices at particular points in time (mostly at month’s end for May through July 2020):


Small-scale Technology Certificate (STCs) price updates:

The latest pricing (as at 28 July) for STCs are $38.40, which is a slight decrease of -2.66% from the previous month’s end, down from $39.45.  STC pricing rose by 3.92% from the previous year (Jul-19), up by $1.45 – from $36.95 to $38.40

Large-scale Generation Certificate (LGCs) price updates:

Earlier this year, LGC prices have been particularly volatile where had previously seen wild swings from a high of $42.00 in January down to a low of $28.30 in March.  Since then, LGC pricing increased up to $40.30 as at 28 July-2020 – which is still nearly 5% lower than the previous year ($42.30).

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) price updates:

There has been a considerable month-on-month increase of 15% in VEEC prices – up by $4.70 – from $31.20 in June to $35.90 in July. VEEC pricing have increased dramatically over the last 12-months, up from $20.50 in Jul-19 to $35.90 in Jul-20 – representing a 75% increase over the previous year.

Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs) price update:

We have seen modest gains in ESC pricing, up by just $1.10 from $24.25 in Jun-20 to $25.35 towards the end of July; while last year, ESCs were trading at $20.50 – a year-on-year increase of 23.6%.


Environmental Pricing Update Archive:


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