MEDIA RELEASE: Ecosave to bring energy efficiency to 250 schools across Queensland | Advancing Clean Energy in Schools

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Advancing Clean Energy Schools

MEDIA RELEASE: Ecosave to bring energy efficiency to 250 schools across Queensland | Advancing Clean Energy Schools (ACES) Program

Ecosave Australia & New Zealand
2 August, 2019

Ecosave, one of Australia’s leading independent Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), has signed an agreement with Queensland’s Department of Education to bring energy efficiency and solar power to state schools across Queensland. The contract is part of the Queensland’s Department of Education Advancing Clean Energy Schools (ACES) program.

We’re thrilled to bring world-leading energy efficiency to Queensland’s state schools, and to be working with the innovative ACES program

said Group Managing Director of Ecosave Australia & NZ, Robin Archibald.

Ecosave will be upgrading schools in South East Queensland and Central Queensland in three phases over approximately three years. Ecosave has already completed solar PV installation works at 10 schools and Detailed Feasibility Studies are underway across 51 schools.

The state-wide ACES Program is intended to deliver up to 20% energy cost savings on approximately 872 schools. The program has a total budget of $97 million and is designed to improve energy efficiency in State Schools plus reduce environmental impact from school operations.

Energy efficiency upgrades will include LED lighting, rooftop Solar PV and a range of additional Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs). They will also include the company’s leading-edge Ecosave Watch analytics and building automation platform.

The ACES program will also stimulate regional economies and support up to 300 jobs over the life of the program. Ecosave is fast-tracking expansion plans and hiring high-value, energy efficiency roles in South East and Central Queensland to support delivery of the program.

Ecosave has won the last eight (8) consecutive Energy Performance Contracts with the NSW Department of Education and the Qld DoE ACES Program further cements Ecosave as a leading ESCO in the education sector.

Ecosave won this contract because of our long-time commitment and deep expertise in the education space. Our experience with NSW Department of Education over the last five years has been invaluable in developing the intellectual property and expertise in implementing complex projects in sensitive environments,

said Mr. Archibald.

Ecosave’s Project and Technical Director for the ACES Program, Jon Dazeley, says he and his team are up for the challenge.

We’re confident we will deliver positive outcomes for each school and the ACES program. Our prior experience with NSW Education and other large Energy Performance Contracts has provided Ecosave with a solid footing in both technical delivery and stakeholder engagement.


  • Upgrades to South East Queensland and Central Queensland schools
  • Targeting up to 20% energy cost savings and environmental impact reduction
  • Program creating local high-value energy efficiency jobs
  • Part of a $97 million dollar Advancing Clean Energy Schools (ACES) upgrade program


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