Energy Efficiency Tips For Hotels

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Recent COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions have had a major impact on the hospitality and tourism industries. Now more than ever, hotel owners and hotel management are looking at smart ways to reduce their operational expenses without compromising the guest experience. This can be achieved by considering energy efficiency tips for hotels and taking advantage of energy efficiency grants for hotels.

Smart Energy Efficiency Tips for Hotels

Hotels and Motels can benefit from advances in modern technology to reduce energy costs and improve guest experience.

Now is the best time for hotel owners and their management teams to leverage technology. To reap its benefits and start saving on energy-related expenses, here are eight energy efficiency tips for hotels and hotel owners to consider.

Upgrade & Optimise HVAC System

Climate control is essential for any type of hotel. Whether it is heating or air conditioning, a good HVAC system is essential in providing comfort for hotel guests. However, a smart HVAC system will not only provide comfort, but it can also reduce power consumption and cost.

Utilising the Internet of Things-enabled controls and sensors, the system can calculate the required energy based on guest occupancy. Its advanced thermostats and smart sensors allow users to monitor possible issues in real-time. Paired with energy management applications, power wastage should not be cause for concern.

Modern Heat Pumps

Aside from smart HVAC systems, hotels can also benefit from hardware technologies such as modern heat pumps. These Air Source Heat Pumps allow heat to enter the building or release it via the HVAC system. They gather heat from one place and release it to another, using the basic principles of vapour-compression & refrigeration.

Modern heat pumps will benefit hotels as they can heat specific spaces without relying on the central HVAC system. It is an energy-efficient system that complements a building’s cooling system. Installing modern heat pumps can significantly reduce energy and maintenance costs for hotel operators.

Advanced Energy Efficient Lighting & Control Systems

Advanced lighting systems help hotel operators understand how they can adapt to occupancy changes in real-time. While LED lighting has been widely adopted over the years, there are rapid developments in lighting Technology such as integrated lighting controls, LED drivers and IoT enabled lighting management systems – providing flexibility to be both manually controlled and automated to reduce power costs.

Modern light fittings have integrated sensors that automatically adjust light output based on ambient lighting conditions and switch on/off based on motion detection. In addition, they can also be added to a hotel’s existing BMS to set the lights’ operational times or automate it based on real-time occupancy. 

Roof Top Solar Panel Array

Since roof top solar panel arrays are proven to be a cost-effective way to achieve energy savings, hotels are now turning to them to lower their electricity bills and carbon emissions. In addition, hotel operators discovered how they can benefit from a solar PV system: reduce their building’s overall energy consumption and sell their excess energy back to the electricity grid. The money saved from power bills and fees collected from selling energy can be used to pay for other expenses.

Automated Power Points

Standby power is one of the main sources of wasted energy in hotels. If an appliance or gadget is plugged into a power point, it still draws power even if it is turned off. Most modern gadgets are designed to draw power while on standby mode. Automated power points are designed to turn the power off if a room or space is not occupied. They either have infrared sensors or built-in timers designed to cut off power when necessary. It is a smart way of saving money from powering idle devices.

Smart Glass

Smart glass, also called “switchable glass”, is a glass or tint which alters its light transmission properties when light, heat, or electricity is applied. Similar to “transition lenses” in prescription glasses, the basic principle is it changes from clear to dark and vice versa. Different wavelengths of light are blocked while allowing for some light to pass through the glass. Smart glass can be controlled manually or automatically.

Its main benefit is that you don’t have to spend money on curtains or blinds anymore. The window will adjust the level of its tint according to your preference. This reduces HVAC usage and cost, while improving the occupants’ comfort by minimising solar glare or creating a sense of privacy for example. Wall-mounted touch panels or mobile apps are often used to control smart glass or windows. This gives you – hotel operators and even guests – control with a tap of a finger. Learn more about Smart Glass in Our Technology Review


Smart Water Meters for Water Efficiency & Leak Detection

Water is essential in hotel operations as it is required to keep its facilities clean, provide safe drinking water for its guests, and even for cooking or preparing meals. However, water can also be costly if a toilet cabinet or faucet leaks. It could also lead to water damage on other room or toilet fixtures. This would cost hotel operators thousands of dollars in repairs alone.

Efficient water management is key to mitigating these issues. Managing these is possible through building management systems that can monitor water lines and consumption. Smart water meters are also cost-effective measures for effective monitoring. Implementing these simple solutions leads to savings from expensive repair and utility bills.

Maintenance & Energy Performance Management

Equipment maintenance is necessary to ensure seamless hotel operations. Tracking, monitoring, and optimising energy consumption is possible through proper energy performance management. Predictive maintenance is a vital key to identify possible issues and alert the staff of costly repairs.

Instead of waiting for particular equipment to break down due to wear-and-tear, maintenance can be performed immediately. Data can be based on an equipment’s lifecycle and usage which reduces repair costs. Total equipment failure is more expensive compared to replacing worn-out parts.

Energy Efficiency Grants for Hotels (small to medium Hotels & Motels)

Some Small to medium hotels and motels may find it challenging to implement the above-mentioned energy efficiency tips for hotels due to cash flow constraints or lack of resources and expertise.

For a limited time, until the end of March 2021, the Federal Government is offering up to $25,000 in energy efficiency grants for eligible entities of small to medium Hotels, Motels or Serviced Apartments (less than 99 guest rooms).

With this grant money, and partnering with a specialist Energy Services Company (ESCO), hotel managers can fund and implement some of the above mentioned energy efficiency tips in their hotels. 

We expect a high level of interest in this Grant. Applications will be approved on a first-in, best-dressed basis! Therefore act now: find out if you are eligible today, and discover the Best Way to Apply through Ecosave’s No-Risk Grant Application Service.

There is no upfront cost or risk to apply, so there’s nothing to lose!

Register Your Interest Now


Ecosave provides end to end energy efficiency upgrades and energy management solutions for commercial buildings including hotels and motels. To find out more or and to speak to one of our energy efficiency experts, book a free callback service today!


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