Ecosave assisting organisations for City of Sydney Environmental Performance Grants – Applications open 6 February 2019

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  5. Ecosave assisting organisations for City of Sydney Environmental Performance Grants – Applications open 6 February 2019
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As part of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 and the City’s Environmental Strategy and Action Plan, the City of Sydney are offering environmental performance grants to businesses, not-for-profits and owners corporations to undertake: performance ratings (i.e. NABERS Rating), energy audits, feasibility studies and innovation projects for improved environmental performance of buildings and facilities in the local government area.

Ecosave can partner with your organisation to take advantage of one or more of the following grants relevant to your specific requirements and eligible opportunities, partially subsidised, or  wholly funded projects:

  1. NABERS rating assessment and certification
  2. Energy Audits (Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3)
  3. Grid Connection study for mid-sized Solar PV
  4. Feasibility studies (innovation)
  5. Demonstration projects (innovation)
  6. Water sub-metering for cooling towers

Environmental Performance Grants available through City of Sydney

Funding for these grants and programs are limited, time-sensitive offers on a first-come first-serve basis. Applications open 6 February 2019 and close 11 March 2019.

How Ecosave can assist you with the City of Sydney Environmental Performance Grants

  • Evaluate your organisation’s eligibility and suitability for grants as listed above
  • Assist with completing application paperwork and submission to City of Sydney
  • Implement solutions relevant to the applicable grant(s)
  • Single point of contact liaison
  • Identify and recommend strategic opportunities including investment grade, fixed-price proposals


Don’t delay, call Ecosave today to take advantage of this funding opportunity. Call 1300 55 77 64 or submit an online enquiry for a free-call back service.


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Eligibility Criteria for funding Performance Certifications Grants (NABERS Rating)

Year 1 NABERS rating / certification and action plan – up to $10,000 available.

Year 2 NABERS rating grant available for a second rating/certification. Clients must show evidence of implementing the cost-effective opportunities identified from their first rating/certification.

To be eligible for funding an applicant must be a:

  • Not-for-profit
  • For-profit
  • Owners corporation

Not eligible for funding:

  • Projects that directly contravene existing City policies
  • An applicant who has had a NABERS rating for the building facility in the past three years cannot apply for funding for a project of the same type
  • Instances where a NABERS rating is required by Government including under the Federal Government’s Commercial Building Disclosure scheme (at point of sale or lease).

Eligibility Criteria for funding Energy Audits

To be eligible for funding an applicant must be a:

  • Not-for-profit
  • For-profit
  • Owners corporation

Not eligible for funding

  • Projects that directly contravene existing City policies
  • An applicant who has had an Energy Audit for the building facility in the past three years cannot apply for funding for a project of the same type.


Eligibility Criteria for funding Grid connection study for mid-sized Solar PV

Studies undertaken by n Ausgrid accredited electrical engineer for solar PV systems between 30kW and 100kW capacity – up to $15,000 available.

To be eligible for funding an applicant must be a:

  • Not-for-profit
  • For-profit
  • Owners corporation

Not eligible for funding

  • Projects that directly contravene existing City policies


Eligibility Criteria for funding feasibility studies for innovation projects

Support for projects that have progressed past the desk-top research and concept development stage and are ready for small scale testing to prove the feasibility of the chosen solution – up to $20,000 is available with support to be matched by 25% or more in cash or value-in-kind from the client.

To be eligible for funding an client must:

Operate within the LGA or demonstrate benefits for the City’s residents, workers and/or visitors, and be a:

  • Not-for-profit;
  • For-profit, or
  • Owners corporation

Not eligible for funding:

  • Projects that directly contravene the Eligibility and Ethics Framework
  • Projects for which a state or federal government funding

Funding is not intended for:

  • Established technologies eligible under the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (except technologies classified as emergent)


Eligibility criteria for funding innovation – demonstration projects

Support for projects that have proven their feasibility and that are now seeking to demonstrate to the market the chosen solution to promote awareness and uptake of the innovation – up to $80,000 is available with support to be matched by 50% or more in cash or value-in-kind from applicant.

To be eligible for funding an client must:

Operate within the LGA or demonstrate benefits for the City’s residents, workers and/or visitors

Be a:

  • Not-for-profit;
  • For-profit, or
  • Owners corporation


Not eligible for funding

  • Projects that directly contravene the Eligibility and Ethics Framework
  • Projects for which a state or federal government funding

Funding is not intended for:

Established technologies eligible under the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (except technologies classified as emergent)


Eligibility criteria for funding Water sub-metering cooling-towers

Funding provides support for environmental solutions to reduce energy and water consumption and impacts, or reduce waste in buildings and facilities. Water sub-metering for cooling towers in non-residential buildings – up to $5,000 per building to cover 50% of installation costs for the installation of sub-meters and associated monitoring equipment on cooling towers.

To be eligible for funding an applicant must be a:

  • Not-for-profit;
  • For-profit; or
  • Owners corporation

Not eligible for funding

  • Projects that directly contravene the Eligibility and Ethics Framework
  • A building that has previously undertaken the water monitoring or efficiency-upgrade
  • activities that are eligible for funding in this program.



For more information and to book a complimentary consultation, please call 1300 55 77 64 or submit an online enquiry for a free call-back service.


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