Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions stood at 510.1 million tonnes for the year to September 2020

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  5. Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions stood at 510.1 million tonnes for the year to September 2020

Despite 2020 being a record year for renewable energy output in Australia, total emissions have begun a steady increase again as the impacts of a fossil-heavy COVID19 recovery begins to hit the emissions data.

A new release from the government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) shows that emissions have begun their inevitable climb as the country’s economy begins to recover from the impacts of the Covid19 lockdowns of 2020.

RenewEconomy’s Michael Mazengarb wrote earlier that:

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions stood at 510.1 million tonnes for the year to September 2020, down 23.3 million tonnes from the period 12 months prior.

However, national emissions were up on a quarter-by-quarter basis, rising by 2.8 per cent in the three months ending September 2020, as Australians returned to normal routines, with transport emissions surging 11.7 per cent in the quarter.


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