Australia Leads the World in Rooftop Solar PV…But What Will Happen to all these Solar Panels?

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  5. Australia Leads the World in Rooftop Solar PV…But What Will Happen to all these Solar Panels?

Australia is doing a fantastic job with renewables with the highest proportion of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems in the world. As of 31 December 2020, there are over 2.66 million PV installations in Australia, with a combined capacity of over 20.2 gigawatts.

But what we do with the solar panels at end of life leaves a lot to be desired.

Saving retired renewables from waste streams

It is estimated that more than 100,000 tonnes of solar panels will enter Australia’s waste stream by 2035.

Solar panels have an average lifespan of 25 years, delivering a good return for decades after their cost is recovered, but industry experts are starting to ask what will happen to all these solar panels when they need replacing.

New research by Professor Peter Majewski, a Research Professor in Advanced Materials at UniSA’s Future Industries Institute, says we need a lifetime stewardship scheme to make sure that renewables recycling will take off.

 Ecosave offers end-to-end renewable energy solutions to achieve energy savings and reduce carbon emissionsFor Commercial Solar PV installations, maintenance and environmentally responsible replacements, call us at 1300 55 77 64 or Book a Free Callback service.

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