Project Update: ACES Program Phase 2

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Advancing Clean Energy Schools

The Queensland Department of Education is implementing its Advancing Clean Energy in Schools (ACES) Program across the state of Queensland.

As one of the Queensland Government’s largest energy consumers, state schools spend more than $70 million each year on energy. ACES is reducing energy costs across state schools through the installation of solar systems and other energy efficiency measures.

The ACES program is being delivered over three phases, with Phase 1 well underway and work on the initial 210 state schools announced to benefit from the program in Phase 1 nearing completion.

On 21 May 2020, the Queensland Government announced that solar installations at 80 state schools initially scheduled to be delivered as part of future stages of the program, will now be progressed this financial year.

In addition, the Queensland Government also announced the next 331 state schools to benefit from solar installations as part of Phase 2 of the ACES program and the 253 state schools which will be included in the future phase, Phase 3 of the program.

In total, over 800 state schools will benefit from the ACES program by the end of June 2022.

Ecosave, one of the Pre-Qualified Partners of the ACES Program, has been selected to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions at a sub-set of the above mentioned number of schools across the Central Queensland and South East regions.

In Phase 1, Ecosave has implemented well over 5.5MW of Solar PV across more than 80 schools.

The Department of Education secured value for money through Ecosave’s bulk purchasing power to place an order of 8.0MWh of Solar Panels for the commencement of Phase 2 in Central Queensland and South East regions.

Ecosave has recently commenced the first Tranche of Phase 2, with site works and solar installations already underway.

By the end of March 2021, it is expected for a further 4.4MW of Solar to be installed across 51 schools.

For more information about the ACES Program, please visit

To learn more about these Ecosave projects, please call 1300 55 77 64.



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