Summary Of Results


146,710 kWh






167 tonnes

Australian Museum leads the way for sustainability practices with major reductions in energy consumption

Client Overview

As a leading voice for the richness of life, the Earth and culture in Australia, the Australian Museum (AM) has recognised its responsibility to act on environmental sustainability. The AM has been able to play an active role in sustainability practices through engaging Ecosave to deliver works under an Energy Performance Contract (EPC). Thanks to funding from the NSW Government Treasury Loan Fund AM has been able to complete this EPC with Ecosave to support their goal of becoming carbon neutral.

Challenges & Objectives

  • Secure funding for Ecosave Energy Performance Contract
  • Reap the environmental and financial benefits that energy efficiency provides
  • Reduce energy usage
  • Slash maintenance costs
  • Improve safety through higher light levels
  • Become recognised as a leading example of sustainability practices for the state of NSW

What was Recommended

AM’s Project Coordinator engaged Ecosave to implement energy-efficient lighting upgrades that would result in lower energy consumption and maximise comfort and safety levels for employees and visitors. Ecosave proposed a lighting upgrade to energy-efficient LED lights with inbuilt motions sensors. This increases energy savings by dimming the lights when nobody is occupying the area.

What Happened

  • Ecosave designed a solution that would be the most cost-effective for the client’s needs, carrying out these works with utmost care to protect the priceless and irreplaceable specimens contained at the AM. All whilst operating under the strict guidelines of covid safe procedures.
  • Ecosave implemented significant lighting upgrades replacing nearly 2,000 fluorescent luminaires with energy-efficient LED lights across multiple areas of the 7 buildings on site.

Ecosave undertook considerable care during the design phase to ensure the outcome was functional for employees undertaking all levels of work in every type of facility contained in the complex including:

  • The main museum building (Lecture theatre, dining/function rooms, offices)
  • Research buildings (laboratories, offices, specimen storage rooms)

In particular, the Entomology storage area required extra working precautions. Ecosave contractors had to take exceptional care not to trigger the fire suppression systems, (that are extremely sensitive to dust particles) which would damage the museum irreplaceable specimens on activation. A bespoke removal and installation plan ensured contractors were able to avoid disturbing delicate specimen storage cases and prevent activation of the fire suppression systems in the building.

What specifically changed

The Australian Museum achieved its goal of becoming a leading example of what the State Government of NSW can achieve in terms of energy consumption reduction. The benefits for AM include:

  • Reduced electricity bills by $36,482 annually by switching to lower usage LED lights and dimmer sensors.
  • Reduced carbon footprint by 167 tonnes per year
  • Improved specimen preservation efforts via removal of fluorescent lighting which takes away the negative effects of UV light in certain laboratory or specimen collection areas.
  • Annual energy savings of 146,710 kWh/year
  • A massive 25% return on investment

We developed a great partnership with Ecosave over the course of engaging their services and their dedication to our Energy Performance Contract was evident in all stages of the project. We admire their commitment to sustainability practices and appreciate their personalised approach to delivering a cost-effective solution for our energy needs.” Representative – the Australian Museum
